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Kyle Adopt-A-Street

Helping to keep Kyle clean and looking great is the goal of the new Kyle Adopt-a-Street program.


What is Kyle Adopt-a-Street?

It’s a volunteer opportunity to help keep Kyle beautiful and litter free. Groups, organizations, businesses and individuals can adopt one mile of a street and keep it beautiful with cleanups four times a year.


How does it work?

  • Gather volunteers from your neighborhood, workplace, church, school or other group.
  • Complete an application.
  • Adopt-a-Street volunteers can select on their application which task they prefer; e.g., plantings, tree trimmings, landscaping, litter cleanup, and mowing/trimming.
  • Organize cleanups four times a year to keep that mile of street looking great.
  • Groups who sign up for Kyle Adopt-A-Street will also be given signage located on their designated street, free of charge. 


There is no membership associated with Kyle Adopt-A-Street and all materials are provided free.

When the group is done cleaning, the City of Kyle will pick up the trash.

This program is also a great way for residents and merchants to join forces and help keep the City of Kyle beautiful and clean.  


How do you apply?

Applications will be taken year round on a rolling basis. Click here to apply. 

Courtesy of City of Kyle

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