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Kyle Applies To CAMPO For $35M In Road Projects

Kyle city officials agreed to apply to the 2019-2022 funding list of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) for federal funding…

Kyle city officials agreed to apply to the 2019-2022 funding list of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) for federal funding to help pay for several major road projects.

Adding the projects that are “shovel-ready,” such as Lehman Road and Burleson Street, could delay some of the projects by five months, said City Manager Scott Sellers.

After applying for the federal funds CAMPO will score all the projects and decide which ones to recommend for funding that will pay 80 percent of the cost of the projects approved.

The city will be required to pay 20 percent of the cost of the road projects receiving federal funding, which would be about $3.3 million, if all projects are approved, Sellers said. Because two road projects were added to the application, the city would have options that include re-prioritizing projects to fund with the additional bond funds that will be available.

While some council members expressed concern about delaying some of the projects, city officials said a decision on the federal grants that are approved is expected in April or May and will study the issue further during that time.

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.

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