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Kyle City Council Meeting Recap Jan. 5, 2016

Summary of the Jan. 5, 2016 Kyle City Council meeting

Below is a brief summary of items discussed and voted on by Kyle City Council at the Jan. 5 meeting. Note: Council woman Daphne Tenorio’s absence was excused due to illness.

Master Transportation Plan Update
Kyle City Council heard a presentation on the updated Master Transportation Plan for the city. Public input was gathered over the course of several meetings and a survey. LAN, the city’s engineering contractor on that project, shared with council three major recommendations:
1. Extend BeBee Rd. from IH-35 to SH 21 (LAN recommended a joint funding effort with Kyle and Hays County) – est. at $57 million
2. Extend Opal Lane from Stagecoach to SH 21 – est. at $44 million
3. Extend Goforth Rd. from Kyle Parkway north to Brent Boulevard – est. at $2 million

The final public meeting to discuss the proposed Master Transportation Plan will be held in February at Fuentes Elementary School. Details on the date and time of that meeting will be publicized in the coming weeks.

Kyle Council heard a proposal to change zoning near Silverado to accommodate the development of a townhome project. Council voted 5-1 against the proposal.

Council considered a request by MNT & S Development (Sonic Drive In) for a waiver to exceed the maximum number of parking spaces per the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 53 (Zoning) Section 53-33 (n) (3) (Maximum Parking) for property located at 400 E. RR 150. ?Council voted 4-0 (Council members Hervol, Arabie and Selbera were off the dais).

Kyle City Council also considered a proposal for Hampton Inn Suites that would require a conditional use permit to build above the 45-foot threshold. The motion carried 5-0 on first reading. The item will come back for a second reading. (Council woman Becky Selbera was off the dais.)

Public Safety
Kyle City Council voted 5-0 (Council woman Becky Selbera was off the dais) to approve split-funding agreement with Vigilant Solutions for license plate recognition (LPR) products on Kyle Police Department vehicles. The technology, used by law enforcement agencies across the country, links up to a city’s outstanding warrant database.

The cameras, mounted on the hood and trunk of police vehicles, scan license plates as the police vehicles move around town. If the LPR software identifies a license plate of an individual with an outstanding warrant, officers can then pull the vehicle over and determine if any individuals inside are the person in question who owes money on an outstanding warrant. Once identified, the options at that point are to escort the person to Kyle Municipal Court to pay the fine, to use a third-party card reader to take the payment or to arrest the individual and take him or her to jail.

Code of Ethics Update
Council heard a proposal to amend the City’s Code of Ethics as adopted by Ordinance No. 581, to amend Part G, Section 2(d) items (2) and (3) pertaining to the itemized list of disqualifications from serving on the Ethics Commission as follows;
Section 2(d)(2) is amended to read "an elected city official" instead of "an elected public official"
Section 2(d)(3) is amended to read "a candidate for elected city office" instead of "a candidate for elected public office."
Council voted 5-0 in favor of the changes. (Council woman Becky Selbera was off the dais.)

Consent Agenda
1. Last night council heard the first reading on an ordinance to amend the city’s approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 by increasing total appropriations for expenditures by $79,500.00 to complete storm related repairs authorized for various city parks and decreasing fund balance by the same amount in the Park Development Fund.

2. Council voted to approve Amendment No. 3 to LNV, INC., Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $64,774.00 for the purpose of providing additional acquisition services for the Elliott Branch Wastewater Interceptor Project.

3. Council voted to approve contract Task Order No. 5 to NEPTUNE-WILKINSON ASSOCIATES, INC., Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $22,500.00 for the purpose of providing engineering services for restoration of the Downtown Elevated Tank located on W. Lockhart Street.

4. Council voted to authorize the award and execution of a Purchase Order to BLUEBONNET MOTORS, New Braunfels, Texas, in the amount of $29,150.23 for the purchase of one (1) 2016 Ford 150 four- wheel drive truck for the Public Works Department through the Lower Colorado River Authority’s (LCRA) Cooperative Government Pricing Contract.

*All Consent Agenda items were approved 6-0.

Consider and Possible Action Items
Council heard the first reading of an ordinance to amend Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle for the purpose of rezoning approximately 1.30 acres of land from Single Family Residential ‘R-1’ to Residential Townhome ‘R-1-T’ on property located at 707 Live Oak Street, in Hays County, Texas. (Richard Giberson – Z-15-020). The city’s Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the request. There was a public hearing on this item. Audio of the meeting can be found at http://cityofkyle.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=92.

Council heard the first reading of an ordinance to amend Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle, Texas, for the purpose of rezoning approximately 14.083 acres of land from Single Family ‘R-1’ to Residential Townhome ‘R-1-T’, on property located at the northwest corner of Live Oak Street and St. Anthony’s Drive, in Hays County, Texas. (WS Live Oak Kyle LLC – Z-15-019). The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the request. There was a public hearing on this item. Audio of the meeting can be found at http://cityofkyle.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=92.

City Manager’s Report
Council heard an update on flood reimbursement.

City Manager Scott Sellers told council the city expects to be reimbursed through FEMA disaster funds for most of the expenses caused by the October 2015 flood.

No council action was required.

Executive Session
No action was taken following executive session. The items on the agenda for Executive Session were:
Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek the advice of the City Attorney pursuant to Section 551.071. ?Contemplated Litigation – Driskell Property
Property acquisitions for road bond projects. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072. ?Property acquisitions for road bond projects.

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