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Kyle City Council to hold special budget meeting Saturday


The City of Kyle City Council will be meeting on Saturday at 8:00 am to discuss several proposed budget items.

Scott Sellers, Kyle City Manager is scheduled to give the budget presentation and will include the following items;

  • Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 totaling approximately $172.1 million
  • Including proposed ad valorem tax rate, a 6.0%, an increase from FY 2021 of 0.799.
  • Increase in water service rates,
  • No increase in wastewater services rates,
  • No increase in storm drainage fees,
  • A 2.51% increase in solid waste service (trash collection) charges per contract terms with Texas Disposal Systems (TDS),
  • The addition of 19.0 new positions for a total of 300.0 full-time equivalent positions

Additionally, the council will also consider a Resolution to record City Council’s vote to place a proposal on the agenda of a future City Council meeting as an action item to adopt an ad valorem tax rate for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for the City of Kyle.

An executive session is also on the slate to discuss the following items;

  • Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek the advice of the City Attorney
  • Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate
  • Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074.

View the agenda HERE or view the full agenda packet HERE (auto download).

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