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Kyle City Council’s Proposed Budget, Ad Valorem Tax Rate, And Special Election

Kyle City Council calls a special meeting to discuss budget proposal, ad valorem tax rate and calling for a special election….

NOTE: The following items below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.

IV. Public Hearings

7. Conduct a public hearing as required under Sec. 8.05 (a) of the City Charter on the City’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 totaling approximately $75.5 million for all City Funds, as amended by City Council on July 29, 2017 and August 15, 2017, including water and wastewater service rates, storm drainage fees, other fees and charges, capital improvements program, and the addition of seven (7) new  positions for a total 228.5 full time equivalent positions. 

8. Conduct a public hearing to obtain comments on the City Council’s proposal to set the ad valorem tax rate of $0.5416 per $100 of assessed taxable valuation for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. 

V. Consider and Possible Action

9. Consider and possible action on the City’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 totaling approximately $75.5 million for all City Funds, as amended by City Council on July 29, 2017 and August 15, 2017, including ad valorem tax rates, water and wastewater service rates, storm drainage fees, other fees and charges, capital improvements program, and the addition of seven (7) new positions for a total 228.5 full time equivalent positions. 

10. (First Reading) An Ordinance of the City of Kyle, Texas, Ordering a Special Election to be held jointly with Hays County on November 7, 2017 for the election of city council place or places to serve an unexpired term or terms; designating the main early voting place for such election; providing for an order and notice of such special election; providing for related matters; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. 

Kyle City Council Special Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 7 PM

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Kyle-City-Council-Special-Meeting-Agenda-Tuesday-8-22-2017.pdf”]


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