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Kyle starts preliminary engineering with eye on November road bond

The city of Kyle is requesting preliminary engineering reports for 2022 Road Bond projects, but the estimated $100 million to fund them will be subject to voter approval in November.

The scope of the 2022 Road Bond election is unprecedented for the city that has seen its population almost double over the last six years.

To keep up with its population growth, the city plans to upgrade, construct, and extend various roads with funding from its largest ever bond issue.

Preliminary engineering reports will give city officials a more detailed understanding of the challenges, opportunities, timeline demands, and financial details that go into each individual project.

The Kyle City Council is funding this preliminary component of the planning phase with $1.5 million from its general fund.

The 2022 Road Bond work list includes Bebee Road upgrades, the Kyle Parkway & Lehman Extension, new construction along Marketplace Avenue, Bunton Creek Road upgrades, new and upgraded roadway along Goforth Road, and Windy Hill Road upgrades.

As preliminary engineering work gets underway, reports will continue to focus on refining project descriptions, analyzing project challenges, and narrowing their timelines before they appear on the November ballot.

The last time Kyle voters participated in a bond election was 2013 when they approved $36 million for work on five road projects.

Compared to that bond election, the appearance of the 2022 Road Bond on November’s balance will involve roughly double the number of voters, over double the amount of funding, and nearly double the number of projects.

Source: Strategic Partnerships

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