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Kyle, Wastewater Spill Cleanup Complete

Following a wastewater spill on Friday, the City of Kyle is reporting that the cleanup efforts of the Bunton Branch creek are now complete. According to Public Works Director Harper Wilder, the D.O. (dissolved oxygen) levels in the creek have returned to pre-event status.



Work has also been completed on the electrical system at the lift station that was knocked out during last Thursday’s storm. Crews are currently disassembling the pumps, pipes and other equipment used in the cleanup from a nearby landowner’s property.



Public Works crews also continue to monitor the lift station and creek. Kyle’s Division Manager – Treatment Operations, Jason Biemer, said while the cleanup is complete, work continues.



“Our crews will continue to visually examine the lift station and the creek daily,” he said.



Biemer added he is awaiting information from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding a decision on the possibility of being fined for the spill. It is possible there will be a fine from the Texas Parks and Wildlife due to the resulting fish kill. The city also plans to restock the fish in the creek.



The City of Kyle extends its thanks to all who were involved in both containing and cleaning up the spill.


Wilder said, “Our staff worked quickly and efficiently to mitigate any further issues.” City Manager Scott Sellers said the cleanup effort was commendable.


“A quick, coordinated effort among multiple city departments and state agencies resulted in minimizing further issues and getting the creek back to healthy oxygen levels,” he said.

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