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Kyle’s Charter Review Commission Seeks Public Input

The Kyle City Council has appointed a Charter Review Commission to review the City’s existing charter and make recommendations about changing any of its language. Recommendations will be based on the review and discussion by the commission and will include input from the public.
Three citizen workshops have been scheduled for the purpose of hearing public input to be considered in the commissions deliberations.
The workshop schedule is:
  • April 25th at 10:00 a.m., Kyle Public Library, 550 Scott Street
  • May 16th, (location to be determined)
  • June 20th (location to be determined)
The Commission is also scheduled for regular meetings on the following Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Kyle City Hall, Upstairs Conference Room.
The meeting schedule is:
  • April 14th and 28th
  • May 12th and 26th
  • June 9th and 23rd
  • July 7th and 21st
The Commission may amend the schedule due to holidays and/or unforeseen circumstances. Visit the Charter Review Commission web page for the latest updates to the meeting schedule and for other information about the charter review.

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