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League Of Women Voters Awards Hays County Election Office For Outstanding Website Information

In its second year of evaluating every county’s election webpages, the LWV notified Elections Administrator Jennifer Anderson that in 2017 the information provided to voters scored highly…


Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Elections Office is one of only 16  Texas counties to receive an Outstanding Award from the Texas League of Women Voters for its website information

In its second year of evaluating every county’s election webpages, the LWV notified Elections Administrator Jennifer Anderson that in 2017 the information provided to voters scored highly (100 points or above) in providing elections and Voter ID information, as well as ease of access to the information, a link to the Secretary of State’s Office, and availability of information in Spanish as well as English.

“I’m pleased that the League of Women Voters recognized the hard work that went into the County’s election webpages, and my staff and I continue to look for ways to improve the voter experience,” Anderson said.

She noted that an anticipated revision of the County’s entire website will be an opportunity to make additional improvements.

The 16 counties receiving ‘Outstanding’ awards represent seven percent of the state’s 254 counties. An additional 63 counties received Honorable Mentions. The full scoring can be seen here.


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