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Lehman Road Closed At North Low Water Crossing

Kyle, Texas – Recent rains have caused serious damage to a part of Lehman Road between Goldenrod Street and Hallie Drive, causing City crews to close that part of the road while emergency repairs are being conducted.
City crews were conducting routine road maintenance when they discovered a significant portion of the support for the road had been undermined or washed away. The road was immediately closed as crews worked to determine the extent of the repairs needed to bring the section of road back into service.
Repairs are expected to take about two weeks but could take longer depending on the exact nature of the damage and any delays due to inclement weather. The cost of the repairs is not known at this time.
Lehman Road is one of five roads designated to be rebuilt and expanded as part of the $36 million road bond passed by Kyle voters in May of 2013. Construction to rebuild Lehman Road is currently expected to begin in March of 2016 and will include improvements on both low water crossings. 

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