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Living Outside The Lines: Breakfast Of Champions

As an adopted Texan, I’ve come to appreciate that no breakfast is truly complete without refried beans and warm flour tortillas. Oh, and I usually add an ice cold Dr. Pepper as well.

By, Becky J Miller, exclusive to Corridor News

Mama always said breakfast was the most important meal of the day. While the jury is divided on the merits of mama’s wisdom with some experts in her corner, and others not entirely convinced, this author finds breakfast a most important meal.

I grew up in a house where the consumption of breakfast was always assumed; skipping that meal was never an option. It was less than healthy, with Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks regularly on the menu, but we ate it religiously. Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the healthy(ish) Life were also favorites. My weirdo sister loved Honey Nut Cheerios. What? Back then sugary cereals were all the rage. I considered my Grape Nuts eating grandfather just a little confused.

This Southern gal has always loved her grits smothered with butter and salt, still do!! Cream of Wheat ran a distant second, with oatmeal never an option. As a grown up I’ve developed an appreciation for oatmeal, but not with sugar and cinnamon like many folks, but with salt instead, just like my grits. A most favorite way to eat oatmeal is topped with blueberries and/or mango plus a dash of salt.

Saturdays at our house usually meant pancakes or waffles prepared by my dad. Occasionally there were sausage patties or links, but most often bacon was dipped in flour to prevent shrinkage then fried. There was homemade maple syrup too, which not only tasted delicious on pancakes, but also added a bit of flair to the sausage and bacon. Saturday breakfasts were a way of life; family time and good food we kiddos always looked forward to.

As a mom, I’m kind of ashamed that I allowed my children to consume frozen waffles, sugar-laden cereals and gasp! Pop-tarts!!! Lest anyone judge me too harshly, I was right there beside them consuming everything but the frozen waffles. I LOVED pop-tarts, particularly frosted strawberry!! Fortunately all three of them survived my neglect and now eat much healthier breakfast fare.

Myself? Today I wouldn’t eat a Pop-tart if you paid me. Well, yeah, I guess I would if I knew there was a reward of Kendra Scott earrings, new shoes, or a Buckle shopping spree attached. They do say everyone has their price, now mine is out there for the entire world to see.

These days my favorite breakfast food is bean and cheese tacos from either La Fonda or Fuego, both found only in San Marcos. Although, Taco Cabana’s breakfast tacos will do in a pinch. Recently, an early flight to Ohio caused my husband & I to leave home without eating breakfast, shameful, I know. During our layover in Chicago, we scoured the airport for a suitable meal. When asked what I was hungry for I replied, “Bean and cheese tacos.” His response?? “This is not Texas!”

Another breakfast favorite discovered on a mission’s trip to Guatemala a few years back, vegetable omelets. Forget the meat or cheese, omelets are best when overflowing with mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, baby spinach and topped with salsa! When I fix them myself though they are generally so stuffed with vegetables that I cannot flip it and I end up eating scrambled eggs with veggies. Hey, it still tastes good!

As an adopted Texan, I’ve come to appreciate that no breakfast is truly complete without refried beans and warm flour tortillas. Oh, and I usually add an ice cold Dr. Pepper as well.

So, maybe breakfast isn’t your cup of tea. That’s okay, more beans and bacon para me!  

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller ~ Warrior Princess

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle. You can reach out to Becky on her website at beckyjmiller.com, Twitter @beckyjmiller or on LinkedIn @beckyjmiller.


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