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Living Outside the Lines: “Living Outside the Lines Celebrates One Year!”

By Becky J Miller


When a new baby arrives, there is much excitement; everyone knows life is going to change drastically, but no one can really anticipate exactly what that change will look like. Will Baby be passive? Fussy? Like baths? Hate them? Will Baby grow up to look like mom? Or Dad? At what point will Baby sleep through the night? So many questions, so few answers. 


Taking up a fresh challenge is much like the arrival of an infant. The idea of the task brings happy anticipation, yet it can be scary. It may also leave one feeling completely unprepared and wondering, “what the heck have I gotten myself into?” Mixed into all the chaos is just a bit of intense celebration over the unimagined elation one feels over all the “new.” 


Writing is one of my passions; something I hoped would expand beyond just my own personal blog, so imagine my reaction when offered the opportunity to write a regular column for an on-line newspaper. What? Are you serious? Really? Me? You want me to write for your paper? You mean someone besides my college professors and family members believe not only do I write well, but I might also have something to say that is worth reading?


Almost one hundred columns later, I am still amazed at the opportunity bestowed upon me. I may never grow up to be a “Dear Abby” or “Ask Ann Landers” type of syndicated columnist, but maybe I will? The phrase, “bloom where you are planted” is worth adhering to, for we never know where life’s journey will take us. What if I had never started a small-scale blog with weekly posts that I stuck with for six whole years??? Without a blog to highlight my writing, there would be no “Living Outside the Lines.”


In the past year I’ve had the chance to showcase important people in my life; to share them with you, my readers, a double joy because those people got to see their names in lights, so to speak. I’ve been able to share experiences of overcoming obstacles that I hope brought inspiration. My expectation in revealing the world from my vantage point is to help bring perspective in some situations. Some of my writing is just plain silly, but there is always a method to my madness; my desire is to stir within you a freedom to be who you are.    


A year later, I’m amazed that I’ve never run out of inspiration. I mean, wow! Every time I thought, “Ummm, I need to work on my columns and I’ve got nothing”; it never failed, something would happen in my daily routine, or a thought would drop into my head that I could formulate into a sensible or silly piece. A good friend once exclaimed, “I’ve no idea how you never run out of ideas.” Me either, but I’m glad I haven’t. 


One of the most exciting results of writing a bi-weekly lifestyle column are the opportunities I’ve had to share my work with friends and co-workers who were experiencing similar situations. I cannot recall the number of times I’ve said, “Oh, I wrote a column about this” and then shared the link to the column. I can only sit back, observe with awe and wonder the, “can you believe this” type of places Living Outside the Lines has taken me.


Before I depart to celebrate the column’s first birthday with a fat and caloric laden gourmet cupcake, I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to Melissa Jewett, San Marcos Corridor News’ founder and publisher, thank you for believing in me. Of course, a huge thank-you to all my faithful readers as well. And remember, “despise not small beginnings” for one never knows where they may lead.


Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess” 


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