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A Protest Over The ‘Higher Ground’ Policy

Austin, TX – Workers fighting for $15 an hour and union rights will hold a press conference alongside faith and community leaders Austin City Hall before marching to the State Capitol on Monday, Sept. 12, calling on politicians across the state to support a moral policy agenda that includes living wages, union rights, and racial justice, among other issues. The protest in Austin is one of more than two dozen hitting state capitals across the country as part of a “Higher Ground Moral Day of Action” spearheaded by the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, an architect of the Moral Mondays movement in North Carolina and founder of the social justice group Repairers of the Breach.

At each rally, workers, clergy, and community leaders will read and deliver a Moral Declaration signed by more than 10,000 people of faith and 2,500 faith leaders calling on elected officials and candidates for office to embrace morally just policies like a $15/hour wage and health care for all, and to stand against racism, sexism, discrimination and attacks on voting rights.

Underpaid workers across the country voted to take part in the Higher Ground Moral Day of Action at the first-ever Fight for $15 National Convention in August.

WHO:  Councilmembers Greg Casar, Delia Garza, Ann Kitchen, Reverend Chris Jimmerson, Jim Rigby, and numerous other clergy with low wage workers from across Austin (and coming from as far as San Antonio and Houston) including the Worker Defense Project and the Austin Justice Coalition 

WHAT: Rally at Austin City Hall (Noon) and March to State Capitol as part of Higher Ground Moral Day of Action nationwide protests to demand that politicians support moral policy agenda  


WHEN:  12 Noon

September 12, 2016


WHERE:  Noon: Press Conference Austin City Hall 301 W. 2nd St. 

    1PM: Rally at Steps of State Capitol: 1100 Congress Ave. 

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