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Blanco County Businesswoman Announces Candidacy For Texas House District 45

“I want to thank Jason Isaac for his service to Hays and Blanco counties, and promise to continue the conservative fight in Austin.” Pearce said.

Cypress Mill, Texas – Self-made businesswoman Amber Pearce announced her candidacy for Texas State House District 45 on Monday, saying she is ready to represent the people of HD45 with conservative Republican leadership:

“As a Blanco County small business owner, I see first-hand the impact of decisions made by elected officials. I want to bring a fresh, outside conservative voice to Austin. That’s why I am filing to serve as the next Representative for State House District 45.

“I have many names including mom, wife, and small business owner but politician is not one of them. I have real-world experience living everyday issues, and I believe now is the time to fight against the status quo. It’s time for we the people to send a message at all levels of government.

As your next State Representative, I will stand for limited government, less regulation, lower taxes, individual liberty, education reform, and school choice. I want to thank Jason Isaac for his service to Hays and Blanco counties, and promise to continue the conservative fight in Austin.

Amber has begun aggressively fundraising and plans to work hard for every vote between now and the Republican Primary. She’s also making an initial personal commitment of $150,000 to the campaign. Her campaign has secured a seasoned team: Campaign Manager and former Texas GOP Political Director Cody Davis, Senior Advisor/Digital Strategist and former Ted Cruz Campaign Manager John Drogin, and General Consultant Ben Hartman of Jamestown Associates, the firm that built both Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz’s and President Donald Trump’s 2016 media plans.

Amber Pearce is the co-owner and Vice President of Operations of the Blanco County oil and gas business that she and her husband jointly own. Their company employs people throughout the district. Amber is married to Brooks Pearce, and together they have five children. They live in Cypress Mill. Learn more at her new website: www.amberpearcefortexas.com.


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