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Local Company Releases Newest Interactive Map Of The Blanco River

“The Blanco River has an amazing story, and we want folks to see it for themselves as they float and explore on the tour,” Scott Gallagher said.

WIMBERLEY, Texas – FishViews, Inc. released its second virtual tour of the Blanco River as it runs through Wimberley last week.

As restoration efforts from residents and organizations like Tree Folks help the river heal, FishViews’ panoramic journey catalogues the progress of the recovery.

Scott Gallagher, FishViews CEO and Wimberley resident, said, “The Blanco River has an amazing story, and we want folks to see it for themselves as they float and explore on the tour.”

FishViews brings the Blanco River to residents to explore using a Virtual Reality headset, a mobile or a desktop computer.

Explore and experience the progress of the river by comparing the 2016 tour https://tours.fishviews.com/public/blanco-river#413 and the 2017 tour https://tours.fishviews.com/tour.html?id=blanco-river-2017#1648.

The photo below shows the regrowth of vegetation on the banks of the river in the 2017 versus the 2016.

Fishviews began when the president of the company, Brian Footen, who has been a Fisheries Biologist in Washington State for almost 25 years, “sat through one too many meetings” thinking or hearing the words, “If we just had Streetview for rivers…”. He decided to build in.

The company wanted to create a tool to help people navigate and understand local waterways as easily as one understands roadways.

Based in Wimberley, Fishviews began prototyping and proving the concept in 2014 and mapping rivers in 2016.  Their vision is to connect people to waterways.

Whether it is helping recreational water-goers find their next fishing hole or avoid obstacles while boating or helping scientists and waterway managers tell the story of the water and it’s needs to keep the community’s economic engine flowing.


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