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Local Food Bank Starts Food Distribution On University Campus

According to Feeding Texas (2014), 9.2% of food-insecure Texans are college students.

The education-related expenses that university students experience can make it difficult to cover the cost of living. Many of those attending college are not fully aware of off-campus options for assistance.

This is why Hays County Food Bank and United Campus Ministry are committed to working together to raise awareness about college hunger and introduce students to food bank services.

On October 17th, these two organizations partnered to launch a new, weekly food distribution on the Texas State University campus.

Every Monday from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Hays County Food Bank will fill bags to hand out at United Campus Ministry (510 N. Guadalupe, next to the bus stop). These on-campus distributions will continue until the end of the semester.

Students who attend this campus distribution will receive dry goods and fresh produce. No identification or documentation is required to qualify and United Campus Ministry can store the food if students wish to return later that day to pick it up.

The food bank relies on volunteers to help with the distribution, many of whom are Texas State University students.

Food bag recipients commented that the distribution helped ease the stress of not being able to provide for themselves while in school.

“I was in college before too,” said Jason Kamimoto, Volunteer Services Coordinator at Hays County Food Bank. “Students have a lot of other responsibilities like class and part time jobs…we know that there are a lot of students that could use a little extra help.”

If you or someone you know are in need of food, please visit www.HaysFoodBank.org and click on Get Help, or you can call (512) 392-8300.

In 2015, Hays County Food Bank and its 20+ partner agencies distributed 690,397 pounds of food to an average of nearly 12,000 food, insecure residents, each month.

These residents were senior citizens, children, and many others facing economic challenges.

“Food insecurity” refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it. 

Hays County Food Bank is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit haysfoodbank.org or visit us on Facebook or Twitter at @HaysFoodBank.

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