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Local Resident Upholds 175 Years Of State Tradition Casting Electoral Vote For District 35

On Monday, the Texas Secretary of State Ruth R. Hughs convened the Presidential Electors at the State Capital.

Per the Texas Election Code, Sec. 192.006, Electors are to convene at 2 PM on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December to perform their duties as prescribed by federal law, which includes casting votes for the president and vice president of the United States in years in which the office is on the ballot.

“For 175 years, Electors from our state have cast their votes on behalf of the electorate,” said Secretary Hughs. “I am honored to call Monday’s meeting of Texas’ Electors to order as we continue in this tradition and fulfill the duties with which the people of the Lone Star State have entrusted us.”

Naomi Narvaiz of San Marcos was among the 38 electors at the SOS’s office Monday afternoon.

Narvaiz was elected on July 17, 2020, during the Republican Party of Texas State Convention Congressional District Caucus and was elected secretary of the Electoral College on Dec. 14.

Republican delegates from Travis, Hays, Bexar, Comal, and Caldwell Counties voted to make her Elector of Congressional District 35. 

“It is a great honor to be elected by my peers to the Electoral College since it is a distinguished role that is entrusted to each of the 38 Electors to cast the vote for our Republican President,” Narvaiz said. 

Electors have fulfilled their statutory requirement as a Texas Elector and their role for the 2020 Presidential Election has concluded. 

The number of electoral votes apportioned to states is directly proportional to the number of seats the state holds in Congress—Texas has 38 electoral votes.

The Electors cast their 38 votes for the incumbent Republican president and vice president of the United States, Donald Trump and Mike Pence, who won Texas with 52.06% of the vote.

Learn more about the Electoral College.

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