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BREAKING: Man Dressed As Clown Assaults TXST Student

By, Ashley LeBlanc

On Monday, October 3, around approximately 7:00PM a student was walking to their car and was grabbed by a man dressed as a clown.

University Police, released the report on Tuesday, emailing it to all Texas State students at 7:35PM.

UPD’s report described the man as, “approximately 6’2” tall with an athletic build. The suspect was observed wearing a clown costume described as a black-and-white striped jumpsuit, wearing a green wig, face painted white with black around the eyes.”

The victim was able to get away after the horrific experience and left the area while the suspect went in an unknown direction.

UPD encourages students to contact them at (512) 245-2805 if they have any information or see anything suspicious and to call 911 in an emergency. They also want to remind students of the Bobcat Bobbie service available when walking on campus alone at night. You can contact the Bobcat Bobbies at (512) 245-7233 (SAFE)

This is not the first clown problem to arise in San Marcos from the internet and social media hoax.

Since the recent clown threats aimed at San Marcos High School, the school has taken extra precautions for students, keeping them away from outdoor areas and monitoring the schools perimeters.

Students at Texas State University have taken to twitter, many circulating not only their fears but a photo a student posted. The student tweeted that he saw the clown, “at CM Allen Parkway Park,” which would be, Rio Vista Park.

The clown threats all started as a hoax on social media, in an attempt to bring out the spirit of Halloween. But it has grown at a phenomenal rate across the U.S. with sightings in many major cities and threats aimed directly at children and school districts.

Citizens are encouraged to be careful and call the San Marcos Police Department if you see any clown activity.

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