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Members Of The Wimberley VFW Visit Danforth Junior High

“These students will be performing this important duty every day and we want to make sure they are fully aware of the proper way to handle our American Flag,” said Howard.

Students gathered around the flagpole at Danforth Junior High School for an important lesson from local Veterans on the protocol for raising and lowering the American flag.

A sixth grade history class joined with eighth grade office aids, who are charged with the proper care of the flag. 

“These students will be performing this important duty every day and we want to make sure they are fully aware of the proper way to handle our American Flag. Since we were fortunate to have United States Veterans on the campus, we decided to bring out one of our history classes to give them a firsthand civics lesson from our American heroes,” said Greg Howard, Danforth Junior High Principal.

The students who are responsible for the daily duty, Saraya Manning, Jack Boyle and Cody Overall

watched and listened intently and then, under the supervision of the VFW representatives, brought down the flag.

“I think the experience was really amazing. I already knew how much Veterans have done for our country, but to see them in action and see how they want us all to show dignity and respect for the flag was great,” said Manning.

Featured Image: Danforth Junior High Students, Saraya Manning, Jack Boyle and Cody Overall bring down the flag flanked by representatives from The Veterans of Foreign Wars of Wimberley.

Front row, left to right: Mike Lukowiak,  Air Force, Chuck Voith, Navy/Marine, Darrell Gross, Coast Guard, Ron Watson, Army, Kerry Ridgway, Marine, Roger Parker, Navy/Marine

Back Row, left to right: David Simoneaux and John Boatman


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