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Monday’s San Marcos CISD Meeting Packed With Spending, Updates, Compensation Increases, School Lunch Pricing

Monday’s San Marcos CISD Meeting Packed With Spending, Updates, Compensation Increases, Pay Structure Updates, School Lunch Pricing….NOTE: No other explanation given

On Monday evening, the Trustee’s will have a jammed packed meeting with a full agenda.

While the canvassing of an election, certifying the results, swearing in and electing new board positions are a normal occurrence for the meeting after an election, their remaining agenda items won’t be so effortless.

The board will have the first reading of GKA (LOCAL- Community Relations Policy Area). Note: No other explanation given.

Items for Action

  1. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment. NOTE No other explanation given.
  2. Consideration and Possible Approval of TASB Update 107. NOTE: No other explanation given.
  3. Consideration and Possible Approval of 2017-2018 Employee Compensation Increases and Pay Structure Updates. NOTE: No other explanation given.
  4. Consider Granting Public Access and Improvement Easement to the City of San Marcos. NOTE: No other explanation given.
  5. Approval of School Lunch Prices for the 2017-18 School Year. NOTE: No other explanation given.
  6. Plan of Finance for the Purchase of Certain District Equipment and Directing District Administration, and Consultants Estrada Hinojosa & Company, Inc. and Escamilla & Poneck, LLP, to Proceed with the Issuance of Maintenance Tax Notes to Purchase and Finance. NOTE: No other explanation given.
  7. Consider Trust Property Purchase Offer on Suit 2001-0033. NOTE: No other explanation given.

Additionally, listed under their “Closed Session” the board will be discussing the “Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding OCR Ref. No. 06161786”. NOTE: No other explanation given.

San Marcos CISD Meeting Agenda — Monday, May 15, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/SMCISD-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-Monday-5-15-2017-1.pdf”]

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