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My Theory After Last Night School Board Meeting

My Theory After Last Night School Board Meeting

By, Melissa Jewett

One of the last stories we posted on SMCISD considering this issue, the article stated,

“The board voted against the 2013 offer with Thomaides’ recommendation for two reasons, Eads said. “ First of all, it would mean that we would have to go to a different location,”

Eads said. “We want to be able to have (the meetings) here at our current facilities. The second thing is we don’t feel that (the city council chamber) has the ability to host enough people, and you can see at our board meetings we have anywhere from 20 to 50 to 100 people show up.”


I don’t understand why Mr. Eads and apparently our school Trustee’s think that they need more room.

When you look at this situation in a very practical way, you will understand that if they air this live on TV, just like our city council, county commissioners, and planning & zoning, more people would stay home and watch.

Consequently, they really would not have the need for something larger, (and you really don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out).

Then again, you put something on the agenda that might be considered controversial, maybe, but this happens to the three I mentioned above, or does our SMCISD School Board and Superintendent, Mr. Eads, think they are better than our county commissioners, city council, and planning & zoning?

Therefore, my theory after last night’s meeting tells me our SM School Board & Superintendent would rather spend our taxpayer dollars because they THINK they need more room and are too spoiled to drive to San Marcos City Hall and use City Council Chambers vs. spending it on our children….Give me a break.

No one thought about this upgrade/update when the voters gave them just a couple of years ago, how many millions of dollars?

Or, could they be hiding something……………hum.

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