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National Groundwater Awareness Week

Groundwater Facts & References

Groundwater provides an estimated*



·       27% of all freshwater withdrawals

·       62% of all freshwater withdrawals

·       43% of agricultural use (mostly for irrigation)

·       76% of agricultural use (mostly for irrigation)

·       21% of the public water supply withdrawals

·       19% of the public water supply withdrawals

·       98% of drinking water for the rural population

·       >99% of drinking water for the rural population

*From the United States Geological Survey, the National Ground Water Association, the Texas Water Development Board, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

In addition:

  • Ninety-two percent of Texans depend on public drinking water supplies. Nineteen percent of that supply, 1,027 million gallons per day, is from groundwater, serving over 5,428,588 Texans.
  • There are 13,818 active public water supply wells in Texas ranging in depth from 18 to 5,407 feet.
  • Nine major aquifers and 22 minor aquifers supply 62% of all the water used in the state.
  • Also, 1,320,000 Texans rely on groundwater from their own wells for their drinking water and use 137 million gallons per day.
  • The quality of Texas’ groundwater is generally good, and after the required disinfection, it meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s safe drinking water standards without additional treatment.

Only 2.5% of the water on the earth is fresh. Of this small amount, 68.9% is glaciers, 30.8% is groundwater, and lakes and rivers make up only 0.3% (https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/WeighingWater).

Get your own 2020 National Groundwater Awareness Week Flyer (PDF)!

For more information on groundwater visit:

Source: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

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