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NCT9-1-1 Celebrates HB1090: State 911 Operators, Dispatchers Now Considered First Responders

Texas Emergency Communications District will host a 9-1-1 First Responder Commencement Ceremony to celebrate the passing of House Bill 1090…

Staff Reports

On Thursday, September 5, The North Central Texas Emergency Communications District (NCT9-1-1) will host a 9-1-1 First Responder Commencement Ceremony to celebrate the passing of House Bill 1090.

HB 1090 reclassifies Texas 9-1-1 telecommunicators as first responders. The Lonestar State is the first to reclassify its 9-1-1 telecommunicators and include them as first responders alongside peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel.

Before HB 1090, 9-1-1 Telecommunications were classified as secretaries.

“From citizens requesting emergency services, to field units needing manpower or deployment resources during disasters, 9-1-1 Telecommunicators are true first responders,” said NCT9-1-1 Operations Manager Sherry Decker. “HB 1090 acknowledges the important role they play.”

Texas is also the only state that requires telecommunicators to be licensed, which holds them to the same standards as peace officers and jailers. The 9-1-1 First Responder Commencement Ceremony will honor the more than 500 NCT9-1-1 telecommunicators and the 43 Public Safety Answer Points (PSAPs) they represent.

House Bill 1090

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Texas-2019-HB1090-Enrolled-911-Operator-and-Dispatcher.pdf”]

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One Comment

  1. “Texas is also the only state that requires telecommunicators to be licensed, which holds them to the same standards as peace officers and jailers. ” Not true. So does Florida.

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