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Nearly 380,000 Doses Sent To Texas Providers In Third Week Of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

The Texas Department of State Health Services is instructing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to ship COVID-19 vaccine to more than 350 providers in 94 Texas counties over the next week.

The CDC will deliver 175,100 doses of the vaccine manufactured by Moderna and 81,900 doses of the Pfizer vaccine directly to Texas providers.

An additional 121,875 doses of the Pfizer vaccine will go to the federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program.

Vaccinations under the program started in Texas today and, according to the CDC, will serve staff and residents at more than 300 long-term-care facilities in the first week.

Texas has been allocated about 1.2 million doses through the first three weeks of vaccine distribution, and vaccine will have reached providers in a total of 199 counties by the end of the week.

DSHS has posted a vaccine provider location map that will be updated weekly after allocated doses have shipped to providers.

A list of providers that will be receiving vaccine this week is available at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/news/updates/COVIDVaccineAllocation-Week3.pdf.

DSHS encourages providers to rapidly vaccinate priority populations against COVID-19 and promptly report doses administered in ImmTrac2, the state’s immunization registry.

Additional allocations of vaccine will be received each week.

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