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New Braunfels Regional joins FAA’s elite list of 11 national airports in Texas

The New Braunfels Regional Airport (NBRA) recently earned designation from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a National Airport within the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems.

By achieving the designation, the New Braunfels airport joins a list of only 11 such National Airports in Texas and one of 92 such airports in the nation.

The designation reflects the increased growth and activity at the airport, which has seen a 24 percent increase in operations in recent years, along with significant increases in fuel consumption.

Earning this designation puts NBRA into the mix of airports across the country that are eligible for additional federal discretionary funding under the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program over the next five years.

Over the last few years, NBRA completed a terminal renovation project, a runway extension, a runway resurfacing project, a master plan update, as well as significant upgrades to the airport’s fuel farm.

Projects that are underway include a new drainage detention pond, upgrade and replacement of obsolete air traffic voice control communications equipment, rehabilitation of the North aircraft ramp, and expansion of the airport terminal parking lot.

Source: Strategic Partnerships

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