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New Fees For San Marcos Planning And Development Take Effect

The Planning and Development Services Department regularly reviews their fee schedule in an effort to meet the city council’s goal to recover the cost of services provided…

An updated fee schedule for planning and development fees at the City of San Marcos will go into effect March 1.

The Planning and Development Services Department regularly reviews their fee schedule in an effort to meet the city council’s goal to recover the cost of services provided. The new fee schedule was approved by the City Council Feb. 20 with an effective date of March 1 and will be available online by the end of the day, Wednesday, Feb. 28.

New fees include out-of-city utility extensions, zoning verification letters, and reduced fees for conditional use permits for nonprofit organizations. Additional new fees go into effect with the adoption of Code SMTX, the City’s new land development code.

“The addition of new fees associated with Code SMTX will ensure a smooth transition for implementation of the code,” said Planning & Development Services Director Shannon Mattingly. “There will be several new elements in Code SMTX which require fees to ensure that the cost of service is recovered.”

For more information, contact Amanda Hernandez, AICP, CNU-A, Development Services Manager at ahernandez2@sanmarcostx.gov or by phone at 512.393.8237.


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