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New Hands-Free Ordinance Approved In Buda

At the July 7, 2015 City Council meeting, the City Council voted 6-0 to approve an ordinance that prohibits the use of portable hand-held electronic devices to engage in a call, or send, read or write a text message, or engage in any other use of the device while operating a moving motor vehicle or bicycle within the Buda city limits. The ordinance seeks to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the community in an effort to prevent death, injuries and property damage.
The new ordinance will go into effect on Wednesday, July 15, but the Buda Police Department is allowing a 60-day grace period where they will not be issuing citations in order to conduct an education campaign. The ordinance does allow for the use of hands-free devices. Local retailers will be notified of the new ordinance in an effort to make hands-free devices available for purchases for those that do not currently have the technology in their vehicle or on their bike.
Signs will go up as soon as next week to inform motorists and cyclists of the ordinance with its codification referenced on the sign. Those in violation can be fined up to $500.
Authorized emergency personnel including law enforcement officers, firefighters, governmental emergency medical services and emergency management members are exempt while on duty.
This link will also give you more information and is the official signed and stamped ordinance http://ci.buda.tx.us/DocumentCenter/View/2331
For more information, visit www.ci.buda.tx.us/handsfree or call the Buda Police Department at 512-312-1001.

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