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Office Of Police Oversight Looking For Volunteers To Join The Inaugural Community Police Review Commission

The Office of Police Oversight is looking for volunteers to serve on the Community Police Review Commission (CPRC) to address concerns regarding the Austin Police Department.

Commissioners are volunteers appointed by the City Manager who will serve two-year terms.

They commit to volunteering for 10 to 15 hours per month and will review case investigations, attend community meetings and trainings.

Commissioners will help make policy-level recommendations regarding discipline and training, assess critical incidents, address issues of concern by the community, and review individual cases of police misconduct.

CPRC recommendations go directly to the City Manager and/or the Chief of Police.

The deadline to apply for the Community Police Review Commission is February 29, 2020. Interviews will occur in March, with the final selection of the new Commission taking place in April.

After the first Commission is seated, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Qualified applications will be reviewed and saved until a position becomes available.

Commission Disqualifiers:

  • Being under the age of 18 years old
  • Currently holding public office or be employed by the City of Austin
  • Having been convicted of a felony, received deferred adjudication for a felony, or currently being under felony indictment

The application review and approval process requires a criminal background check and an in-person interview.

Community members who are interested in applying for the Community Police Review Commission or would like more information are encouraged to visit: www.atxpolicecommission.org.

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