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Office Of The Governor Awards $15 Million To Texas Military Installations

The Office of the Governor has awarded nearly $15 million from the Texas Military Preparedness Commission’s Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (DEAAG) program to various military communities across the state of Texas. Under the leadership of Governor Abbott, $30 million was allocated to the DEAAG program in the final budget. This program assists defense communities which may be negatively impacted by a future Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round. The grant money will be invested in infrastructure projects and other initiatives to increase the military value of installations in Texas, thereby mitigating the potential negative effects of a BRAC round on our state’s installations.


“The State of Texas has always been at the forefront of supporting our military,” said Governor Abbott. “As military installations around the country face closures, it is crucial for the State of Texas to dedicate more resources to ours. With these investments, Texas is ensuring that our bases will continue to serve a vital role in their communities and support the men and women in uniform who defend our freedoms every day.”


The following entities received funding from DEAAG:

Alamo Area Council of Governments – $5 million

City of Houston – $3.10 million

Val Verde County – $4.28 million

City of Wichita Falls – $1.75 million

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