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OP-ED: Hays County Judge Candidate Addresses Residents, Reminds All To Vote

While this action was important and necessary, now comes time for the most important action—voting. If you believe our community’s future matters…

Dear Friends,

Over the past year, my campaign for Hays County Judge has been extremely rewarding. I have shared how Hays County stands out, from much of what we see in politics today, as a model for effective problem solving.

I cannot overstate how important this election is to the future of our community. We live in one of the fastest growing counties in the U.S. and our quality of life for years to come depends on the work we do now on transportation, public safety, conservation, and job creation.

The contrast between my opponent and I could not be clearer. Four different newspapers over the past two weeks have reported how unfit Ruben Becerra is for this important office. With multiple federal tax liens, late and unpaid taxes, lawsuits for unpaid bills, a bankruptcy, and even causing a local charity to take a loss after requesting and receiving a premier banquet sponsorship and then refusing to pay for it. Yet, he and his wife still loaned nearly $25,000 to his county judge campaign. These aren’t accusations, they’re reported facts in the Austin American Statesman, Hays Free Press, San Marcos Corridor News, and Dripping Springs News Dispatch (See below for links), and his own filings with the Hays County Elections Office.

Instead of answering numerous questions from reporters and the public about his troubled background, Mr. Becerra and his wife created a fake group to send anonymous personal attacks on my family and me.

These attacks are illegal and, on Friday, my campaign took action with the Texas Ethics Commission to ensure that justice is served in this matter.

While this action was important and necessary, now comes time for the most important action—voting. If you believe our community’s future matters, if you believe that we need leaders of integrity who work to achieve a responsible vision for our future, I ask for your vote on Tuesday, November 6.

Will Conley

Hays Free Press Article 
Hays Free Press Editorial 
Austin American Statesmen
San Marcos Corridor News


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    1. Ms. Hopson,

      Corridor News did NOT contact Mr. Conley, he submitted it to us yesterday. If Mr. Becerra would have submitted an editorial / opinion column we would have gladly published it as well.

      The same is true with the video ad from Mr. Arredondo. Any candidate can pay for advertising. Mr Conley and Mr Arredondo campaign contacted us. Not the other way around.

      Thank you for reading,
      Corridor News Team

  1. I can well imagine that Mr. Conley contacted you to run his editorial. But did you then contact Mr. Becerra to ask whether he also would like to editorialize? Mr. Becerra had no way of knowing that you were about to publish an editorial from Mr. Conley.

    Would you be willing to publish an online editorial from Mr. Becerra today (Nov 6) if he
    submitted it to you?

    1. Hello Ms. Hopson,

      No, we did not reach out to Mr. Becerra and ask if he had an editorial he would like to publish. When a candidate or his or her campaign does have a statement or editorial to release, it is traditionally sent to the media. Opinion-Editorial pieces are not something we request from any individual, politician or organization. They are submitted to us whenever individuals, politicians and organizations have something they wish to say to the community or public. Corridor News was contacted by a representative of Mr. Conley’s campaign and asked if we would run the editorial; the editorial was reviewed as part of our editorial content control before it was approved and published.

      We would be more than happy to publish an editorial from Mr. Becerra; however, we do maintain editorial control, which is explained and identified under our Letters To The Editor/Copyright and terms of use policies. Mr. Conley’s editorial was held to the same terms and rules.

      Sincerely, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor

  2. Why don’t you ask Mr. Conley how he has been part and parcel to spending Hays County $700,000,000+? How is that good for Hays County?

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