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    July 2, 2022

    San Marcos City Council reviews Sidewalk Maintenance and Gap Infill Program

    The San Marcos City Council received a presentation on the Sidewalk Maintenance and Gap Infill program to discuss sidewalk analysis…
    July 2, 2022

    San Marcos River Rollers skate on and rebuild

    The San Marcos River Rollers have skated through obstacles after taking a two-year break during the pandemic.
    July 1, 2022

    After 8 Years, San Marcos Corridor News Bids Our Readers Farewell

    San Marcos Corridor News has been reporting on the incredible communities in the Hays County area for eight years now.…
    July 1, 2022

    High bacteria levels at Jacobs Well halts swimming season

    Visitors won't be able to swim in the crystal clear waters of the Jacobs Well Natural Area for the "foreseeable future"…
    June 30, 2022

    Pets of the Week: Meet Sally & Nutella!

    Looking to adopt or foster animals from the local shelter? Here are the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter pets of…
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