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Overwhelming National Support in Supreme Court for Texas’ Case Against the President’s Immigration Action

AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced yesterday, 22 amicus briefs have been filed in the U.S. Supreme Court supporting Texas’ lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s executive action on immigration. The briefs include input from Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other governors, U.S. Senators and the U.S. House of Representatives, former U.S. Attorneys General, and federal court scholars, among others.

“This lawsuit to stop President Obama’s illegal immigration policy is about a concept as old as the nation’s founding – the separation of powers,” Attorney General Paxton said. “These amicus briefs represent the growing national opposition to the Obama Administration’s unilateral action. No president has the power to override the will of the People as vested in our Constitution, and I look forward to taking this case before the highest court later this month on behalf of 26 states.”

The briefs can be viewed online at https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/immigration/

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