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PEC Solar Rate Enrollment Begins Dec. 4

“We value our members and recognize that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach doesn’t always fit everyone, especially when it comes to rates,” said Ingmar Sterzing, PEC’s vice president of power supply and energy services.

Johnson City, Texas – Pedernales Electric Cooperative is further diversifying its members’ rate options by offering a new Cooperative Solar Rate.

Enrollment in the new rate is being offered on a first-come, first-served basis beginning Dec. 4, with billing beginning Feb. 1, 2018. Through this new rate, PEC members will receive the attributes of solar power without having to install solar panels on their homes.

“We value our members and recognize that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach doesn’t always fit everyone, especially when it comes to rates,” said Ingmar Sterzing, PEC’s vice president of power supply and energy services. “The new Cooperative Solar Rate allows members of the cooperative to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without personally investing in or installing equipment at their home or business.”

Participating in the Cooperative Solar Rate option will provide members an allocation in PEC’s distributed solar generation. Members will be able to enroll up to 100 percent of their average monthly electric use based on their last 12 months’ billing cycle. Subscribing to the rate requires a 24-month rolling commitment period.

PEC members must sign up online, and availability is subject to total current solar output capacity. Complete details on PEC’s new rate option can be found at pec.coop/solar-rate.


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