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Pedernales Electric Cooperative Sends 21 Employees To Restore Power In Florida

“Cooperatives are rooted in core principles that shape our values and organizations, and this opportunity to help is a bright reminder of two values we hold close at PEC…”

Johnson City, Texas – On Monday, Pedernales Electric Cooperative dispatched 21 employees to the City of Quincy, Fla., located near Tallahassee.

PEC crews are traveling to assist Talquin Electric Cooperative with power recovery and rebuilding following the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma that made landfall in Florida early Saturday.

In addition to service and construction crews, PEC sent staff from its safety and engineering departments, plus two unmanned aerial vehicles to help with damage assessments.

“Our thoughts are with Talquin Electric Cooperative and their members as they recover from Hurricane Irma,” said Wayne McKee, PEC’s vice president of operations. “Restoring power after a storm of this magnitude is not easy, and we’re happy to offer our crews and resources to help bring electricity back to their community. Cooperatives are rooted in core principles that shape our values and organizations, and this opportunity to help is a bright reminder of two values we hold close at PEC: cooperation among cooperatives and concern for community.”

PEC’s crews are expected to be gone eight days, and the cooperative is developing a rotating schedule so that PEC can help for as long as needed.

Follow PEC’s crews as they restore power to those impacted by Hurricane Irma on Facebook at facebook.com/PedernalesCoop.


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One Comment

  1. I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU PEDERNALES ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE EMPLOYEES. I am a resident of Florida in an area that you hero’s serviced after our visit from IRMA!! For the ones who actually worked in the Bardin area of Palatka for Clay Electric, you all were beyond awesome and we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts for all the long hours you put in to help restore power. It was a rough five days for some but not as bad as it would have been without all of the dedicated manpower we had from all of you. Also THANK YOU to the families who had to give up your other half for us. God keep each of you safe and Blessed. B J Edwards

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