PFC Kristian Menchaca Memorial Highway Dedication

*Correction: This article has been updated with a correction. The original version stated  Menchaca graduated in 2003 from Gary Job Corps Center. However, Corridor News was misinformed; Menchaca graduated from the center in 2005. We apologize for the error and any confusion it may have caused. 

Private First Class Kristian Menchaca was a 2005 graduate from the Gary Job Corps Center.

Menchaca joined the US Army and served in Iraq with the 1st Battalion, 502 Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky. 

He died June 19, 2006, when his unit came under small-arms fire while manning a checkpoint during combat operations in Baghdad.  

Command Sergeant Major Lawrence Wilson was the featured speaker having led Menchaca in Iraq. 

A letter was read from Congressman Lloyd Doggett honoring the sacrifice taken by PFC Menchaca. 

Kristian was a posthumous recipient of the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and the Prisoner of War Medal. 

The Memorial was unveiled on Hwy 21 as the assembly celebrated the life of PFC Kristian Menchaca.  

Pictured in the group are, from Gary Job Corps Lorraine Lane, Susanne Ritter, Corrections/Security Cadets and Instructors, CSM Lawrence Wilson (served with PFC Menchaca), US Army Cpt. Garza, Sgt 1st Class Barnett, Sgt 1st Class Smith, Sgt Dixon, San Marcos Embassy Suites Elva Zdeb, Lisa Adams, Hays Constable David Peterson,  next picture Caldwell County Commissioners Ed Theriot, Barbara Shelton, B.J. Westmoreland, Judge Hoppy Hayden, Gary Job Corps Dr. JD McDonald, Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center Martha Joyce, Alyssa Kutach, and Randolph Goodman.  Honoring of Fallen Veterans that have served but not forgotten.  “God Bless the USA”

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  1. Kristian graduated from the Security Officer program at Gary Job Corps in February 2005, not in 2003 as stated in this article. I was one of his instructors during the time he attended GJC. Kristian always had a smile on his face and loved his family and country. We honor him by including his name as part of our academy identity.

    1. Hi T.,

      Thank you for reaching out and letting us know. It appears we were misinformed by GJCC Representative. We have issued a correction.

      Terra Rivers | Managing Editor

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