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Policy Discussion At The George W. Bush Institute

San Marcos, TX – Gary Job Corps representatives Susan Ritter and Randolph Goodman attended the Policy Panel Discussion hosted by Congressman Pete Sessions, Chairman of the House Rules Committee.


Left to right – Susan Ritter, US Congressman Pete Sessions (Texas) and Randolph Goodman. Ritter and Goodman are representatives of Gary Job Corps in San Marcos TX.

The event was attended by the following Congressmen and woman; Michael Burgess (Texas), Tom Cole (Oklahoma), Steve Stivers (Ohio), Bradley Byrne (Alabama), Doug Collins (Georgia), Dan Newhouse )Washington), Rob Woodall (Georgia) and Virginia Foxx (North Carolina).


The discussion was held at the George W. Bush Institute on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.


This policy discussion centered around the activities of the House Rules Committee and their function as it relates to legislation introduction.



Left to right – Susan Ritter, US Congressman Michael Burgess (Texas) and Randolph Goodman. Ritter and Goodman are representatives of Gary Job Corps in San Marcos TX.

President George W. Bush spoke briefly with Congressional committee members.



Presentations were made by the visiting Congressional representatives followed by a Q & A with over 50 participants at the Policy Discussions.   







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