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Precinct 2 Constable, Commissioner Deliver Fans Collected For Family Eldercare Clients

“We wanted to work with Family Eldercare and make sure that folks who needed a fan got some relief from the heat. We collected 50 fans and we thank everyone who donated. All the fans will be put to good use,” said Precinct 2 Constable Michael Torres said.

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Precinct 2 Constable’s Office held a late summer fan drive and, along with Precinct 2 Commissioner Mark Jones, delivered four fans August 24 to San Marcos resident Judy Young whose own small table fan had stopped working.

“End of summer in this part of Texas means there is still a lot of very warm weather to come,” Precinct 2 Constable Michael Torres said. “We wanted to work with Family Eldercare and make sure that folks who needed a fan got some relief from the heat. We collected 50 fans and we thank everyone who donated. All the fans will be put to good use.”

Family Eldercare determined that four fans were needed to adequately cool the Young’s living space, as both residents have medical concerns that make living with heat dangerous. Family Eldercare serves older adults and adults with disabilities, along with their caregivers, by providing services that help them stay in their own homes.

Almost 6,300 fans have already been distributed to 3,000-plus households in 14 counties. And, more than 500 families received additional resources and services related to medical needs, counseling, in-home care, job training, grief services, transportation and utility assistance.

For more information about Family Eldercare’s programs and services, visit www.familyeldercare.org.  More information about the annual Summer Fan Drive is at www.SummerFanDrive.org.


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