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Proposed utility disconnections beginning August 31, San Marcos customers urged to apply for funding assistance

Disconnections and late fees for City of San Marcos utility customers are proposed by council to resume August 31, 2021. City Council will formally vote on the date during its regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 3.

Utility disconnections and late fees were temporarily postponed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. City Council initially voted to resume disconnections and late fees on August 1 but opted to postpone penalties during the July 6 meeting in anticipation of increased temperatures.

The City encourages qualified residential customers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or the February winter storm to submit applications to its Utility Assistance Program before penalties resume.

The City allocated up to $1 million to the program, which provides up to $1,500 in assistance on residential accounts that have been past due for more than 60 days. Because funding is limited, assistance will be provided on a first come, first served basis.

The application form is available online in both English and Spanish and may be submitted electronically at sanmarcostx.gov/utilityassistance.

Completed applications may also be submitted:

Only one application may be submitted per customer and incomplete applications will not be processed. Assistance may be approved for an account’s balance but may not exceed $1,500. Customers will be responsible for paying any remaining or pending utility billing balance after assistance has been applied to an account.

For more information about the City-funded Utility Assistance Program, contact Utility Customer Service at 512.393.8383 or utility_billing@sanmarcostx.gov.

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