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Public Invited To FM 150 Character Plan Public Workshop March 25

Hays County Precinct 3 Commissioner Will Conley and Precinct 4 Commissioner Ray Whisenant are hosting a public workshop for the FM 150 Character Plan (from Arroyo Ranch Rd. to RR 12)  to share background information on the corridor and to collect input. The County is undergoing the Character Plan Study now in anticipation of tremendous growth.
This is the first workshop for the project, following the introductory public informational meeting held in October 2014, where information was shared on the need for the project, the approach to develop a character plan, and the strategies that will be used as the project is further developed. A Citizen Advisory Panel has been created to work alongside the County and project team. This group is made up of 11 individual citizens who reside along or interact with the corridor. The group has met three times with the project team.
Attendees of the public workshop will have the opportunity to view background information, including traffic and crash data maps of the area. Then the focus of the meeting will be on identifying features and themes along the corridor. There will be several different stations with a map highlighting environmental features and another map addressing different context zones along the corridor. The County wants to hear directly from its citizens on what they feel is missing or important, where the traffic issues are, etc. Citizens will have the opportunity to share comments and input directly on the project maps and to team members.
No determinations have been made about how much additional capacity is needed or how and when that capacity would be provided, as it could be a combination of improvements to the existing road and new alignments. These details will come out of the character plan process. Developing the Character Plan will be done in three phases: Phase 1 – Corridor Features & Themes; Phase 2 – Nature & Character Plan; Phase 3 – Corridor Master Plan. Construction funding and timing have not been identified and it could be several years until the road improvements are needed. There will be multiple public workshops and opportunities for the public to participate throughout this process.


The public workshop is March 25, 2015, 6 p.m., at Thurman’s Mansion, 17900 FM 1826, Driftwood, TX 78619. For project information, please visit www.improvefm150.com or the printable PDF flyer.

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