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Purgatory Creek Preserve Dam Auxiliary Expected To Receive Early Morning Concrete Pour

Work is continuing on the auxiliary spillway at Purgatory Creek Preserve Dam, and County and City of San Marcos officials want residents of the area to be aware that weather permitting, concrete…

ork is continuing on the auxiliary spillway at Purgatory Creek Preserve Dam, and County and City of San Marcos officials want residents of the area to be aware that weather permitting, concrete will be poured beginning at 4 a.m. on Monday, September 10.

“We want neighbors and early morning travelers to be aware that there will be heavy equipment, bright lights, and activity in the area around the spillway very early in the morning if rain holds off,” Precinct 3 Commissioner Lon Shell said. “The contractor will determine Sunday afternoon, after reviewing weather forecasts, if it will be dry enough to pour concrete. If rain is forecast, the contractor will push the concrete pour to the next dry early morning.”

The concrete pouring activity is expected to last several hours and is necessary because the October 2015 floods caused some minor erosion in the area around the auxiliary spillway.

The flood did not affect the integrity of the dam and spillway and they remain structurally sound.


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