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CANCELED: P&Z To Consider Text Amendments To San Marcos Development Code


The March 24th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting has been canceled by the City of San Marcos.

According to the city:

With the number of commissioners, staff, and public expected to attend it has been determined that the current gathering order and social distancing techniques will be impossible to achieve.

All items on this evening’s agenda will be postponed to a later date.

The public should monitor the City’s website for updates. We understand that this late decision may be an inconvenience for many, but the City takes the health and safety of our community very seriously.

Thank you for your understanding. Should there be any questions please call the Planning and Development Services Department at 512-393-8230.

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding text amendments to the San Marcos Development Code.

The amendments will address recommendations from the following commissions, committees, task forces and boards:

  • Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Committee
  • The Housing Task Force
  • The Historic Preservation Commission

Staff is also recommending amendments to sections concerning:

  • Application processing and requirements
  • Block perimeter standards
  • Certificate of appropriateness appeals
  • Concept plat applicability
  • Right of way dimensional standards
  • Building type definitions
  • Neighborhood density district zoning regulations
  • Character district zoning regulations
  • A new special events facility use
  • Multifamily parking standards
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Neighborhood transitions
  • Durable building materials
  • Detention and water quality requirements (For plats of four residential lots or less)
  • Detention requirements outside the Urban Stormwater Management District
  • Delineantion of water quality and buff zones
  • Channel design for water quality zone reclamation
  • Sensitive geologic feature protection zones, geological assessment waivers
  • Qualified watershed protection plan applicability

In June 2019, a joint workshop was held between the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council to allow the opportunity to review the proposed changes and provide direction to staff.

The items identified by the commission and the council were reviewed and analyzed.

The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and provided a recommendation in Nov. 2019 on proposed Phase 1 amendments which consisted of typos and technical errors, policy items that the joint committee directed be expedited at the June 2019 workshop, and amendments related to House Bills approved during the 2019 Legislative Session.

The council is expected to hold a public hearing on the text amendments and review the commission’s recommendation at their meeting on April 21.

San Marcos residents can sign up for public comments at the city clerk’s office or submit their comments via email by 5:45 PM on Tuesday, March 24.

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will convene at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.

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