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Rebuild Texas Launches Tracker For Hurricane Harvey Recovery Funds

The Governor’s Commission to Rebuild Texas is launching a new, online tracker for Hurricane Harvey recovery funds to allow the public to learn how those funds are being spent…

The Governor’s Commission to Rebuild Texas is launching a new, online tracker for Hurricane Harvey recovery funds to allow the public to learn how those funds are being spent. The commission created the Recovery Tracker to provide a county-wide view of the $13 billion in flood insurance payouts, hotel vouchers and other forms of federal aid that have been distributed so far.

The tracker includes information on how many individuals received approval for disaster assistance, how much assistance has been provided and the number of housing assistance projects finished.

Also included are the number of individuals still living in hotels paid by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and additional information from the Texas General Land Office and FEMA. Rebuild Texas officials also are planning to publish information from other agencies once the data is obtained, said Commissioner John Sharp.

This story was originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.


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