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REMINDER: TxDOT, San Marcos To Host Open House Today On E. Hopkins Bike, Pedestrian Project

The City of San Marcos Capital Improvements and Engineering Department, in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation, will host an Open House on Wed., June 12, from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the San Marcos Activity Center, Room 3, 501 E. Hopkins Street.

City and TxDOT staff will share project information about the E. Hopkins Street Multi-Use Pedestrian and Bike Project, from C.M. Allen to Thorpe Lane.

The public meeting will be an open house format, allowing visitors to come and go at their own availability. Citizen input is welcomed and will be considered during the development of the project.

The proposed improvements include a new 10-foot shared use path, installation of two pedestrian crossing beacons, and operational improvements to the intersection at Charles Austin Drive.

Funding for the project came from a 2014 Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) award to the City of San Marcos of $2,000,000 in federal funding through the Surface Transportation Program.

For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Capital Improvements and Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/hopkinspath

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