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Rep. Chip Roy Releases Statement On “Veterans’ Access To Child Care Act”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — United States Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) released a statement Friday regarding his vote on H.R. 840, Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act.

According to congress.gov, the bill “directs the Department of Veteran Affairs to provide child care assistance to an eligible veteran for any period that the veteran: (1) receives covered health care services at a VA facility, and (2) is required to travel to and return from such facility for the receipt of such services.”

“I voted for a measure today that will help our veterans from whom so much has been asked and by whom so much has been given. We owe our men and women in uniform a clear mission, the tools to carry it out, and the care when they return. This bill will help our veterans manage the difficult task of childcare as they seek healthcare themselves.

But it must be said that I cannot in good conscience vote for measures that spend taxpayer money without offsets when our nation is $22 trillion in debt and counting. In the past Congress, this measure was passed with an offset, and that should have been the case this time. Yet, this Congress, under Democrat leadership, ignored that principle.

I was forced to choose between two competing principles – care for veterans and our need to end runaway spending. We should remember that if we fail to rein in spending, it won’t be long before we have nothing left to even offer our veterans.

This congressman will not make a habit of voting for spending that is not offset. Period.”


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