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Rep. Erin Zwiener Introduces Rural Broadband Bill

Austin, TX — State Representative Erin Zwiener introduced a bill that would allow public-private partnerships to help provide broadband access to rural Texans.

Lack of broadband holds rural communities back from achieving their full educational and economic potential.

HB 3592 seeks to rectify this problem by giving rural communities a new tool to develop internet infrastructure.

“Access to high speed internet is sparse and unreliable in many parts of the Hill Country,” said Rep. Zwiener. “These communities are falling behind educationally and economically because they don’t have the same level of access as their urban counterparts. In 2019, broadband isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity to do business.”

House Bill 3592 would allow local entities to partner with the private sector in order to facilitate the investment in, or development of, broadband infrastructure. The initial infrastructure costs associated with broadband are expensive and deter some from investing in rural broadband.

“Let’s give cities the option to team up with the private sector and invest in rural communities,” said Rep. Zwiener. “Passing HB 3592  is a win-win for both business and our rural communities.”

Rep. Zwiener is partnering with other House members in the Rural Caucus to push several pieces of legislation that will improve internet access in rural communities.


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