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Residents Urged To Register Cell Phones For Emergency Alerts

San Marcos residents are encouraged to register cell phones for emergency alerts at www.sanmarcostx.gov/alerts. Those unable to register via the website may call 866.939.0911.


The link will take registrants to the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) regional notification system registration page.  


CAPCOG’s Regional Notification System (RNS) uses a “reverse dialing” method to notify residents in the 10-county region of critical emergency information in situations where property or human life are in danger. It also can be used to notify residents of other events that affect them.


RNS provides enhanced notification capabilities to cell and land-line phones. The system can send automated messages for certain types of weather events such as severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flash floods. Cell and land-line phones can receive warnings by checking the appropriate box on the registration form.


The system can call landline phones without requiring residents to register.  However, residents who wish to receive notifications on cell phones, by text message or email need to register for the service.


People can register their cell number to one or more locations within the 10-county CAPCOG region, including their homes, businesses or the homes of relatives. To register multiple locations, create a separate record for each address using the same cell numbers.


Regional notification messages are initiated by local public safety agencies as one of several methods of communicating vital information to their residents.

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