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Root Cellar Bakery: Chocolate Cake & Beer?

by, Holly Ratcliff


Since its inception on February 29, 2005, Root Cellar Café has offered San Marcos citizens a placid destination for dining. In May 2014, Root Cellar Bakery, the café’s extension, also became a relaxing spot to enjoy coffee and tea made with care. Now, the bakery plans to continue serving the Downtown Square in new ways.


On March 22, 2016, the City of San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider a request from Kyle Mylius, on behalf of Root Cellar Bakery, for a new Restricted Conditional Use Permit to allow the sale of beer and wine for on-premise consumption. The permit was unanimously endowed.


“It’s something we had planned for quite awhile. It’s not about changing concepts, just expanding offerings. We don’t perceive the vibe of the place changing. We wanted to be able to offer a nice bottle of wine or beer. Our excellent coffee and tea will still be available,” explained Mylius, owner of both Root Cellar Café and Root Cellar Bakery.


Furthermore, Mylius believes expanding the bakery’s range of refreshments will give those who wish to rent out the space for private events more options.


He continued, “[we’re] definitely going for the grab a glass, relax, and a piece of chocolate cake vibe.”


Root Cellar Bakery is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (closed on Mondays) and located at 142 North LBJ Drive. They will begin serving beer and wine around mid-April.

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