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Sam Brannon Joins The Race For Mayor

By, Ashley LeBlanc,


This morning, around 11:00AM local resident, Sam McGraw Brannon, filed the paperwork to join the race for mayor. The 51 year old has been a resident of San Marcos for 6.5 years. He graduated from UT Austin with a BBA in finance.


In the past, he has been very active in many local political organizations and was the organizer of the Fluoride Free San Marcos movement that passed Proposition 1 on Nov. 3, 2015. He was proudly one of the founding members of Open San Marcos. Brannon was also on the Board of Directors at San Marcos Kiwanis from 2013 to 2015.


He decided to run because, “we have a cultural problem at the City of San Marcos where the residents are treated as adversaries, or speedbumps” Brannon says.


Brannon hopes to “create an environment where residents and council members have better opportunities to discuss and engage on the issues that the City is facing today and into the future. Unless we make these changes, the culture of this community will continue to deteriorate.”


He plans to “implement a fifteen day agenda notice, as opposed to the state minimum 72 hour agenda we have now.” He also wants to keep property taxes flat, to give some relief to homeowners and renters in the city. “That’s one of the most frequent comments I get from residents, is that property taxes are growing at too fast of a rate, and landlords pass that on to the renters. This harms the most financially vulnerable people in our city,” Brannon says.


The election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, and in the meantime, Brannon has a lot of campaigning to do.


Brannon stated he is running on a “people first platform.” Appreciating the local residents and citizens here in the town he loves.


Brannon is currently running for mayor against; current city council member John Thomaides, place 3,  Ruben Becerra, local business owner, and Cherif Gacis, a Texas State University alumnus. 


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