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San Antonio Zoo planning $15M gorilla habitat as part of $65M expansion

The San Antonio Zoo is planning a $65 million expansion phase including what could become one of the country’s largest gorilla habitats.

An area in the zoo void of animal habitats and experiences for over a decade will be used for Congo Falls, a new $15 million gorilla habitat on 2 acres. San Antonio Zoo is one of just a few large city zoos that do not care for great apes, such as gorillas.

The zoo’s goal is to create one of the largest gorilla habitats found in U.S. zoos and feature unique spaces, vistas, and exploration opportunities for guests and gorillas.

Phase 1 of the project is in the final design stages, and the zoo is fundraising. Early in the city’s bond project selection process for a May 2022 election, the zoo requested $30 million for the initial expansion, but now is seeking $10 million in bond funding from the May 2022 election and $10 million from the city’s Midtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone.

Councilmembers approved the zoo’s requests on February 10.

Source: Strategic Partnerships

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