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San Marcos Arts Program Announces New Anti-Littering Mural Project

The City of San Marcos Mural Arts Program is seeking artist submissions to be considered for a newly commissioned public mural to enhance the pair of bridge barriers on CM Allen Parkway by the Children’s Park.

The ultimate goal of the mural project is to serve as an anti-litter and river preservation reminder to those entering the San Marcos River District, as well as deter graffiti and beautify and add character to the neighborhood.

The artist(s) selected will create a mural that graphically shows an anti-littering message reflective of community values that is visible and understandable by drive-by and foot traffic.

“This location serves as one of the gateways to the San Marcos River District, so we have a great opportunity to use the space as a reminder to keep our San Marcos River clean and our parks litter-free,” said Innovation Manager Charlotte Wattigny.

The bridge barrier measures 127 feet across, with a height ranging from 22 inches tall to three feet tall at each end. The painting of the mural is scheduled to begin in September 2020.

The artist stipend for the project is $4,600 and materials for the project will be provided by the City of San Marcos.

Artists interested in submitting artwork must submit proposals electronically in accordance to the official call for artists by 5 PM on August 10, 2020.

For more information regarding artwork proposals, visit sanmarcostx.gov/callsforartists or email Charlotte Wattigny, cwattigny@sanmarcostx.gov.

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  1. “[W]e have a great opportunity to use the space as a reminder to keep our San Marcos River clean and our parks litter-free,” said Innovation Manager Charlotte Wattigny.

    WHY NOT INNOVATE THIS, Ms. Wattigny . . . .
    Simply enact an ordinance that anyone found at a picnic or family gathering within thirty feet of litter located on the ground, will be cited for “constructive littering”, and if found guilty by our municipal court, will be punished by substantial fine. Much the same as Texas law surrounding a person’s “constructive possession” of prohibited substances, an ordinance describing “constructive littering” would create a duty upon all persons in any form of gathering situated at our parks for eliminating litter from the ground within a 30 foot circumference. If you need an example, your municipal code Sec. 58.034 prohibits glass containers in the park. A glass bottle on the ground within the immediate area of a subject is known as “constructive possession.”

    SUPPLY LARGE TRASH BARRELS EVERYWHERE IN THE PARK (not simply cans located at the sidewalk)
    CITE, ADJUDICATE AND FINE (word will get up the trail, Ms. Wattigny).

    Most importantly Ms. Wattigny, you’re aware “innovative” murals merely inspire graffiti artists to greater heights of assault,

    oh, sorry for the ‘hate speech’ (maybe I need a better mask).

  2. What exactly does an “Innovation Manager” do? Really.

    How much does some off-white Sherwin-Williams paint and a few Don’t Mess With Texas signs cost? I’m betting a lot less than $4,600 + materials. And I’m thinking I could have it done within 2 weeks (after adjusting for COVID Time) as opposed to the 3 week RFP that they are advertising.

    1. Dear Sir:

      Re your question what does an Innovation Manager do?

      They innovate, they invent new things because that is how they get paid, they improve the absence of progress.

      Okay? Or maybe you want to live back in the stone age. You obviously want to insult Ms. Wattigny because she is a woman. I have seen her, she does not simply identify as a woman, she in fact, is a woman.
      So your post is hereby exposed as offensive, and this is exactly why we’re presently in trouble.
      No justice, no peace. However, unlike yourself, Ms. Wattigny reaches for justice through innovation.
      So please keep your “off-white paint” jokes to yourself.

      1. God I hate it that I am unsure where the snark ends and reality begins.

        – Good night B.C.

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